The method and completeness of a harassment related investigation

In the event an employee alleges harassment in the workplace, it is imperative that the employer conduct a comprehensive and unbiased investigation.  The investigation should include, but not be limited to, preserving evidence (including emails), interviewing the appropriate witnesses, reaching a conclusion, and sharing the results of the investigation with the parties involved.

It is often not the result of the investigation, but rather the method and completeness of the investigation, that falls under the most scrutiny.  In another recent post, we highlighted the dangers of using in-house personnel for internal investigations.  In summary, biased, inadequate, mismanaged or poorly executed investigations can have unintended consequences.  So, while engaging a specialist investigator may be costly, it is arguable that the cost of not doing so will be even greater.

At QNA, we provide unparalleled solutions that will withstand the scrutiny of any examination.  For further information, please call us on + 61 2 9212 5000 or write to us here.